How Do You Know If Your Hair Extensions Have Good Quality?

Finding the highest-quality hair extensions can be challenging for newcomers. It can be difficult to understand the lingo used and you may not even know what to look for! Here are a few things to look out for.

Girl Hair Photo

First of all, for the most natural look, you’ll want to make sure that your hair extensions are natural human hair. Synthetic hair is easily recognizable by its plasticky feel and lack of natural movement. Ensure that your chosen extensions are completely natural human hair.

After that, you’ll want to look for the words “virgin” and “Remy.” Virgin hair refers to the chemical state of the strands; virgin hair will not be chemically treated in any way, like perms, bleach, and colors. Virgin hair is the natural state of the hair. Remy refers to how the hair and extensions are assembled; it means that all of the hair strands are facing the same way. This is important because it signifies that the cuticles are all running downwards, like in your own natural hair. This will prevent frizz and flyaways and will keep your styles smooth and manageable.


Beyond that, pay particular attention to the attachment portion of the extension. Clip-ins should have good quality clips that are attached to the weft carefully. Tape-ins should not have any sagging or loose tape. All extensions should be evenly created, without large spaces in the weft.

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