Longer hair is the toast of many and the envy and dream of every lady. Long hair can be difficult to achieve, but what if we tell you that it can be done, that your dream of long hair can be achieved.
It isn't going to be an easy task though. Rome wasn't built in a day and your hair won't grow longer and with much luster overnight or within days, but we assure you that it will be worth it when you finally see the end result of your hard work and dedication.
You want to achieve the same length and luster hair or Rapunzel, then you are going to have to put in the extra work of not only getting it but also maintaining it.
We've got hair building tips to help you on your quest for long hair.
Get to know your hair cycle. Your hair has a cycle of its own, when it pops up and when it falls off. The three cycles of your hair are the anagen cycle, catagen cycle, and the telogen cycle. The anagen cycle is when a new hair strand forms in your hair follicle, it signifies the birth. The catagen cycle is when the lower two-thirds of your hair is or in the process of being destroyed, it signifies the aging. The final cycle is the telogen cycle, it signifies the death or falling out of hairs. It is at this cycle that hair strands wait for newer ones to replace them. Close to 15% of our hair is in the telogen cycle. This is very important to know as it helps you decide on what to do.
- Oil your hair. You should oil your hair at least twice a week as it helps to add more nutrients to the hair. The hair grows due to the natural and essential oils secreted from the sebaceous glands, it is very essential to your hair as it moisturizes and nourishes it to grow healthier and longer. Oiling the roots of your hair provides it with strength and nutrients to keep your hair growing strong and long, it also helps rejuvenate, replenish and regrow dead hair shafts (telogen cycle). Apply warm coconut, papaya, olive or jojoba oil to your scalp by first warming it on your palms. Massaging them into the scalp with your fingers helps it circulate to the strands and cuticles of your hair. Wash it off with a mild shampoo after about 2 - 3 hours. This helps to stimulate blood and oil circulation and provides strength for your hair as they are enriched with natural herbs with medicinal properties.
Massage the scalp regularly. Massaging the scalp regularly is one of the most soothing and simplest of hair care tips. It not only improves blood circulation to the hair scalp, but it also stimulates the blood flow to all the entire parts of the body. Apply coconut oil for scalp massage and lavender oil for hair growth.
Don't wash daily with shampoo. Shampooing your hair daily actually can lead to breakages, brittles, dryness, frizziness, and damages to the hair. Washing your hair at least twice or thrice a week allows the natural and essential oil to penetrate into the scalp to hydrate and repair itself.
Use conditioners after your shampoo wash. To grow that much needed long hair and maintain it, make sure that you always use conditioners after you wash with a shampoo. A good conditioner helps to replace lost lipids and proteins in the hair shafts and seals the cuticles to prevent damages, it prevents dryness and provides protection pollution, it also helps lock the moisture into the hair shafts.
Wash gently. Washing your hair gently while shampooing keeps your hair soft and with a tendency to grow but doesn't allow it to break. Washing your hair gently and mildly with shampoo helps it lock in essential oils while at the same time strips the hair of oil and dirt build up.
Give it some TLC with homemade treatment. TLC means tender loving care, and it is exactly what your hair needs to grow longer. Use some homemade shampoo to wash, homemade conditioner to aid and homemade hair masks to enrich the hair. Try using the egg, conditioner and oil hair mask combo for an effective nourisher. Mix the oil, egg, and conditioner in a bowl thoroughly and apply evenly across the hair. Leave it for 30 minutes to an hour and wash off thoroughly with a homemade or mild shampoo and leave it to naturally dry.
Finish with a cold rinse and dry with a cotton T-shirt gently. Using cold water as a rinse instead of hot water helps to seal the hair cuticles and strengthen the shafts. Dry your hair with a cotton T-shirt by patting your hair gently instead of rubbing it roughly.
Following these tips daily will guarantee not only long hair but healthier, fuller and more beautiful hair.