Hair Matching Service

Need assistance in finding the perfect color and texture match for your hair? Our team is here to help!

Simply complete the form below and upload photos of your hair, and we'll provide personalized suggestions and next steps within approximately 24 hours.

How to get your match

  • Take a few photos in natural lighting, showing the front and back of your natural color and texture.
  • Upload these photos, fill out and submit the form to receive your free matching recommendations.

tips for a good match

  • Natural light is best, stay out of direct sunlight and artificial lights.
  • Don't use your phone flash and definitely no filters! 
  • If texture matching, leave it "au naturale", no styling or heat tools.
  • Choose 2 to 3 of your best selfies that accurately show your color
  • You can use old selfies, but we'd love to see the freshest version of you!