Thin hair can prove to be such a scandal. Those with thin hair most times lose their confidence when they are around others with full thicker hair, sometimes wishing to be like them. We've got good news, we will be giving you tips on how to grow out your thin hair to thick hair within minutes. Is it surgery? Nope, it's magic.
Although thin hair has its advantages such as air drying more quickly, being able to get styled faster and requiring little to no product during the styling process, it's not just what you want presently.
Rocking that thick, voluminous, full look is your aim but your hair is just too thin to achieve it. It's not going to be easy as ABC but it will be worth it with our ready tips to change that thin hair into a thick, full, bouncy and voluminous one. Keep on reading to achieve the transformation.
Do A Little Teasing: Teasing with your comb in a backcombing technique is a classic move to get more hair lifted from your crown. All you have to do is lift a section of your hair just behind the very top of your head, then using a pintail comb, push it in three to five even and smooth strokes from the middle of your hair to its base to create a cushion. Next, you take the section of the hair that is in front of the cushion and flip it towards the back and over the cushion. This technique will conceal the teaser hair and leave your hair till and with increased height. It's time to bring the good old days back.
Avoid Alcohol: It isn't good for your body and it's definitely not good for your hair. Avoid buying hair products that have alcohol in them, it will do you much harm. Alcohol strips you of the sebum necessarily needed to give your hair that much-needed moisture, it leaves your hair scalp and shaft looking and feeling dried out. Your thin hair needs all the sebum it can get to keep it strong, moisturized and healthy. Instead of using alcohol contained hair products, just use some of the DIY hair masks to replenish, repair and restore thicker, fuller hair.
Get Yourself Some Hair Building Fibers: Hair Building Fibers might just be your solution to thin hair. They are made from keratin, which is a key protein found in your nails, skin, and hair. By getting one that is element resistant, you can withstand and rock it in any weather, all you have to do is sprinkle them on your hair (you can select certain areas or cover all areas), they bond directly to your hair and blend in perfectly without being noticed to give your naturally thin hair a full, thick appearance immediately. Try it out.
Switch Your Parting: After years of the monotonous parting of hair, your hair kind of gets used to it, the easiest solution to that is to switch things a little. Changing the parting of your hair is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get your hair looking thick. Flipping your parting helps create more fullness and great volume as you've changed the way your hair falls and settles. It's easy, right? Well, we've found out that sometimes the best solutions are actually the easy ones.
Add Some Colors To Your Hair: Colors actually makes all the difference, the darker the color, the more thickness you create. Low lighting your hair can help create dimensions in your hair, and highlighting your hair, possibly by making use of the Balayage techniques can add more texture to your thin hair to make it look more full and thick and perfectly blended.
Rock Some Clip-in Extensions: Clip-in Extensions will take your hair from thin to thick in minutes. They offer you immediate volume and thickness without side effects, and when you want to go back to your thin hair, it does no damage at all to your hair. Other extension types like the fusion, tape-in or bonded can't really give you that assurance or that fit like the clip-in extensions. Try some out today and go from thin hair to thick ponytails in minutes.
Add Waves: Waves or wavy textures will add more to the density of your thin hair, as thin hair tends to lay flat against your head. If you're afraid of some heat, try on some heat protectant spray to not only protect your hair from heat but also to provide long-lasting holds to the waves.
Each and every one of the tips here are bound to transform your hair from thin to thick within minutes. Try them out, but most especially try out a style that fits you and your hair.